DSJ Music Group is an all-encompassing music development and production group. We are your one stop MUSIC FACTORY – VIDEO PRODUCTION HOUSE – PHOTOGRAPHY PROFESSIONALS – GRAPHIC DESIGNERS! With proven critical and commercial success, we work from the ground up with unmatched ability in live event show concepts, song writing, recording, producing, video production, distribution, touring, photography, graphic design, content creation, social media, publicity & marketing and artist and brand development. Our aim is to take you to the next level with strategic direction, branding and overall artistry!
Hello, welcome to the DSJ Music Group website!
DSJ Music Group prides itself on core values that illustrate our dedication to getting things done together, in and out of the office. Centred around building and creating with passion, being a team player, and openness with the customer and between our team, these fundamental values dictate who DSJ Music Group are, how we do business, and ultimately, what we create.
Music Video
We specialise in music videos that will suit any budget. We have a incredible team that are passionate ready to achieve your goals.
Event Productions
If you have an event that needs a production team to produce a customised show to fit within your events theme. DSJ Music Group can help provide the talent, the concepts and the show to fit your requirements.
Digital Creative Design
Digital Creative is key for your brand to come alive on-line across the internet through Social Media, Websites, Mobile. We can bring your brand to life.
Artist Development
DSJ Music Group run an amazing Artist Development program called Army Of Dreams designed to help our young amazing talent to network and collaborate together to help further their careers.